1. Moro, J. L.; Hamann, H.: Sun Sail in Seville. Student research project at the Institute for Lightweight Structures of the University of Stuttgart (Prof. Frei Otto). Unpublished typescript Stuttgart, 1981, D
2. Moro, J. L.; Hamann, H.: IL 30 Shade Tents. Article Toldos pp. 93-103; Announcements of the Institute for Lightweight Structures, University of Stuttgart. Stuttgart, 1984, D
3. Arcus - Architecture and Science Issue No. 11 Living in the Future; p. 68 - 72. housing project for the state garden show in Pforzheim, in partnership with Prof. Th. Herzog. Cologne, 1990, D
4. Moro, J. L.: Transfers to the Technology Lecture. TH Darmstadt, Department of Design and Building Services Engineering, Prof. Th. Herzog. Darmstadt, 1991, D
5. Moro, J. L.; Herzog, Th.: Arcus - Architecture and Science Issue No. 18 on the work of Félix Candela - the Art of Light Bowls, p.10 - 22 Interview with Félix Candela on 10 May 1991 in Madrid. Cologne, 1992, D
6. Moro, J. L.: Documentation competition project Wohnen 2000: A transparent low-energy house. Unpublished typescript. Darmstadt, 1991, D
7. Moro, J. L.: About Showing Pictures and Being Unspecific. Article in the IASS Journal (International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures), issue April 1996, E
8. Moro, J.L.: The Loneliness of the Creative Thinker. Presentation to the plenum of the IASS Congress. October 1996. see Proceedings of the Congress, E
9. Moro, J. L.: Conversion of an Industrial Hall in Munich; in: Light, Air, Sun - Do energy concepts determine architecture? Baumeister issue 10/97, D
10. Moro, J. L.: Exposed Concrete - Between Constructive Function and Aesthetic Grey Value. Article in the journal Baumeister, issue May 1999, p. 26-29, D
11. Reconstruction of the Former Deckelhalle, Munich in: Flagge, Ingeborg (ed.): Yearbook Light and Architecture 2000; Cologne, 2000, D
12. Prize New Life in Old Buildings to the Conversion of the Deckelhalle, Munich. Competition of the Deutsche Bauspar AG. Volume No. 6 Edition Deutsche Bauspar AG, Bauen und Wohnen. Münster, 2000, D
13. Eco Membrane (conversion of the Deckelhalle in Munich). Article in the magazine Architectural Review, issue 8/1998, p. 25-25, E
14. I ponti del Giubileo - The Jubilee Bridges, a preliminary design competition for a prototype pedestrian bridge, Rome 1999, p 132-135. design: Moro, J. L. with Fleck, M. u. Rottner, M.; purchase in international competition, E
15. Moro, J.L.: Administration Building in Chur, Jüngling & Hagmann. Article in the journal Baumeister, issue September 2000, pp. 62-67, D
16. Jürg Conzett in Conversation with José Luis Moro and Christoph Affentranger. Article in the journal Baumeister, issue September 2000, p. 68-71, D
17. Moro, J. L., Röseler, H., Rottner, M., Schweikert, pp.: 1995 - 2000, Work of the Department for Basic Principles of Planning and Construction in Building Construction, Stuttgart 2000, D
18. Moro, J.L., Röseler, H., Rottner, M., Wendland, D.: The Work of the Spanish Engineer Eduardo Torroja, Catalogue of the Exhibition Eduardo Torroja - The Logic of Form at the University of Stuttgart from 19.04. to 19.05.2000, Stuttgart 2000, D
19. Antoni Gaudí - Catalogue of the exhibition on the work of Antoni Gaudí at the University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart 2002, D
20. Antoni Gaudí- Sensual Construction, DVA, Stuttgart 2003, D
21. Moro, J. L.: Building Construction - from Principle to Detail, Volume 1 - Fundamentals and Functions, 2009, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, D
22. Moro, J. L.: Building Construction - from Principle to Detail, Volume 2 - Concept, 2009, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, D
23. Moro, J. L.: Building Construction - from Principle to Detail, Volume 3 - Implementation, 2009, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, D
24. Moro, J. L.: Flooring, Edition DETAIL, Volume 1, Function and Technology, 2015, DETAIL-Verlag, Munich, D
25. Moro, J. L.: Flooring, Edition DETAIL, Volume 2, Architecture and Design, 2016, DETAIL-Verlag, Munich, D
26. Moro, J. L.: Flooring, Edition DETAIL, Volume 1, Function and Technology, 2016, DETAIL-Verlag, Munich, E
27. Moro, J. L.: Flooring, Edition DETAIL, Volume 2, Architecture and Design, 2016, DETAIL-Verlag, Munich, E
28. Moro, J. L.: Building Construction - from Principle to Detail, Volume 1, 2nd Edition - Basics, 2019, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, D
29. Moro, J. L.: Building Construction - from Principle to Detail, Volume 2, 2nd edition - Concept, 2019, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, D
30. Moro, J. L.: Building construction - from principle to detail, Volume 3, 2nd edition - implementation, 2019, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, D
31. Moro, J. L.: Building Construction - from Principle to Detail, Volume 4, - Principles, 2020, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, D
All works marked with a D are written in German, the works marked with an E are written in English.