The Institute for Industrial Building, Design and Construction provides all students with an extensive library of specialist books and journals. All contents can be read in peace and quiet at our meeting table during opening hours or in the closed seminar room at the institute. Lending is also possible in exceptional cases.
You can find all works in the library via the online search function of the University Library. Simply select the search area "Institut für Industriebau, Entwerfen und Konstruieren" in the online search on the upper left.
To the online search function of the University Library
Alternatively, you can also search for useful works on the required topic on site. All reference books are sorted by subject groups and marked with a corresponding letter.
A - History, architectural theory and philosophy
B - Urbanism
C - Basics of planning and architectural design
D - Monographs
E - Architecture guides
F - Individual buildings, building types
G - Structural theory in general
H - Statics
I - Types of structures
J - Solid construction
K - Timber construction
L - Steel construction
M - General building construction
N - Building envelope
O - Building physics, energy, building climate
P - Ecological building
Q - Technical design
R - Interiors
S - Construction Management
U - Drawing, Performing Design, Visual Communication
V - Reference books, encyclopedias
W - Standards, guidelines, building law
X - Computer
Y - Administration, university
Z - Others
The list is also displayed in the library
Institute for Design and Construction, K1, 4. Floor, lower mezzanine
Monday - Friday 09:00 - 12:00